Grahams Road Veterinary Clinic 01324 623163

Relocation of OOHs

We have changed our out-of-hours provider

Relocation of OOHs

We have changed our out-of-hours provider

Dear Clients,

We have changed our out-of-hours provider to VetsNow Glasgow, which can be found at the following address:
123-145 North St, Glasgow G3 7DA

Map of Vets Now

VetsNow Glasgow location info is available HERE.

VetsNow Glasgow will look after the out-of-hours service between 6.30pm and 8am weekdays, 12.30pm Saturday until 8am Monday.

Our systems and services will continue to be available at our Grahams Road Vet clinic, meaning you can rest assured there will be no disruption to your pet’s care. This also means your data would continue to be processed by us and our third-party providers to ensure we continue to provide veterinary care.

To understand more about how we process your data please see our privacy notice on our website.

Kind regards,

The Team at Grahams Road Vets

You are receiving this communication as a registered client of Grahams Road Vets. In line with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) code of conduct, we are required to inform you of a change to our service provision.